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Pragati Jaipuriar

IITian, Olympiad Specialist

I come from one of the steel cities in Jharkhand. Growing up, science and art have always fascinated me. Being part of schools and colleges which have had an amazing history of education, my interest in imparting knowledge has grown with the years.

Education should be fun, concepts should be easy to visualize and understand. One should not look at learning as completing certain numbers or books or memorizing what's written on a blackboard. It should go beyond the boundaries of the classroom and one should learn by applying it in the real world.

With that belief, I have been working as part of Ed-Tech for the last few years. My focus is not on getting a learner to memorize what Doppler Effect is. I intend for the learner to understand it with what they may have seen in real life - perhaps remembering a change in the sound of a train's horn as it crosses you. And once you understand it with such examples, it stays with you forever.

So join me to learn with examples, learn with visualization and learn the concepts. A foundation like that will help you build the career of your dreams.


Pragati Jaipuriar
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